So, Today being August 3rd. I have finished 1 of my 2 epic time lapses. * HUGE HURRAY FOR ME *
It only took me forever to get it done. I am unsure if I am going to post it today or if i should wait untill tomorrow. It too soo friggin long my hand has a blister on it. OMFG A BLISTER!
So i have posted the pictuer on here so you know what to expect when i do get the video up an on the site. I have tryed to outdo my self yet again over and above the last one i have completed with mario and bowser. I just hope this time i can hit front page.
But as of today there are alot of high scoring submissions.
I gave this a five! Also watched your 8-bit one, it was really good too!
Good luck on future lapses! ^_^
Than you for the good luck wish. I hope I get front page soon. I can't get much better then this other then actually working for SEGA or NINTENDO! What do people expect from me?